
198 TEHIC Towards a European Heritage Interpretation Curriculum 7.4.6. Museum of La Rinconada, Seville. Permanent exhibition and programme of activities. Museum of La Rinconada, La Rinconada, Seville. Permanent exhibition and programme of activities. La Rinconada (Seville) is a large village (or a small town), with approximately 38,000 inhabitants, close to Seville (14 km.). Its population is divided into two main urban areas: La Rinconada, the historic quarter, with around 10,000 inhab- itants, and San José de La Rinconada, a district four kilometres away, where the museum is located. La Rinconada is not a monumental town and is not particu- larly charming. Industry plays a significant role in the economy of La Rinconada, as it hosts large industrial estates such as El Cáñamo (in the area of San José) and the An- dalusian Aerospace Technology Park ( Aerópolis ). The tertiary sector is also important. However, part of its agricultural sector has survived, with new pota- toes being the main crop. The town also serves as a dormitory town for people who work in Seville. www.google.es/maps Museum of La Rinconada, La Rinconada, Seville. Permanent exhibition and programme of activities.